
It's all about me.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Otto's Halloween costume

It's not much. Target was low on doggie costumes in his size, so I got him a too-small T-shirt with a glow-in-the-dark skeleton on the back. He wasn't very pleased, what with the chafing on his arms and the incessant ringing of the doorbell all evening. First I had him on the leash, but he scared the crap out of the first little girl who rang the bell. So after that we tied him on the outdoor leash which is tethered to a tree, so he was bouncing against the sliding door or choking himself trying to run indoors.
We may have traumatized him, but at least I didn't force him into the Princess Leia costume. Because I thought long and hard about it.


  • At 4:53 AM , Blogger Suz said...

    He looks so tiny - but tough! Don't these dogs know that we are making their lives more fun - OK maybe making our lives more fun too but whatever :)
    I love stories of Otto


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