
It's all about me.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Writing galore

At long last, one of my travel articles is up and running. This one is a destination guide on Wellington. Pretty straightforward and boring, but it has a cute little picture of me at the end.

Next up should be my exploration of gay Melbourne in a print magazine, which will be online as well. I'll add that when it's up.

As for the rest of my writing life, all is chugging along nicely. I've just been hired on a short-term project to edit a book. A real book and a real publishing company and everything. I know! I may or may not be able to pick up some copywriting stuff on the side, and of course will keep busting my hump to keep getting journalismy stuff. It's a neverending battle, but one that can be won. I hope. For now I'm just going to watch Top Chef.


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