
It's all about me.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

omg, Tom from Myspace was just on American Idol! He's sooooo cute. And yes, I thought he was cute even before he was a gajillionaire. Tom from Myspace!

Okay, I'm having a slight issue with this duet by Celine Dion and a computer projection of Elvis. It's not the uber-creepy idea of this long dead performer sweating his way through a performance of what's essentially a souped up American Bandstand, but the fact that Celine Dion is Canadian. After all, according to Ryan Seacrest, this is...American Idol.

In fact this whole fundraising episode is just very awkward in general. It feels very cobbled together with far too many celebrities with very little to say. Not to mention the fact that they're showing the same footage of starving little children as they did last night (and seriously American Idol, did you really, really have to resort to freezing on a close up shot of a little black boy with a toothy smile and a snot-crusted nose? What is this, 1985?

I should add that it turns out those two times that I voted (Antonella and Sanjaya- I'm a rebel, baby), I wasn't actually voting. I didn't realize until last night that the text messages are for AT&T users only. Whoops. Well, it's for the best. I actually did call in last night for Jordin (I've seriously turned into a person that I don't recognize) but only because it was for charity. Yeah, that's it. Charity.


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